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Spinal Stimulation Study: Pathfinder2

Our goal

Neurokinex is proud to have led and completed the Pathfinder2 study that demonstrates the potential for our community-based rehabilitation programmes to be combined with ONWARD Medical’s ARC-EX Therapy, a transcutaneous spinal stimulation technology.

Pathfinder2 was funded by Spinal Research, the UK’s leading charity funding groundbreaking research to achieve a future where paralysis can be cured. The findings of this study – known as Pathfinder2 – were published first in the peer-reviewed Neuromodulation: Technology at Neural Interface.

How it works

The ONWARD ARC-EX Therapy works by delivering electrical pulses to targeted areas of the spinal cord through electrodes applied to the surface of the skin. Set and managed by our highly skilled trainers using our activity-based rehabilitation protocols tailored to each client, the Pathfinder2 study showed some very encouraging results, including:

Clinically, we observed upgrades in AIS Neurological Classification in a number of participants, with one improving from complete injury (AIS A) to an incomplete injury (AIS C). We also observed changes in neurological level for some participants.

Our goal

“Spinal stimulation technologies will take spinal cord injury rehab and outcomes to the next level bringing even more meaningful functional improvements that offer people greater independence.”

Harvey Sihota, CEO and founder, Neurokinex

Coming soon

This form of non-invasive spinal stimulation is the first function-restoring therapy to receive regulatory approval for commercial use in the US for spinal cord injury. As ONWARD Medical seeks to expand regulatory approval of this technology to Europe and other countries, Neurokinex hopes to be able to offer this therapy to our clients later this year.
To find out more about the Pathfinder2 Study or to ask any questions, please contact us here

“I was told my injury was complete and I just had to get used to my situation, but I refused to give up. I dreamed that one day I might take a few steps and my dream came true. About 10 weeks before I finished the trial, I took my first steps just using a walking frame, without any leg supports.”
“Using ONWARD ARC-EX Therapy gave me back control over muscle groups I never thought I’d move again, including my right hamstrings and hip flexors. I’ve also regained some bowel and bladder control—something I was told in hospital after my accident might never happen. Just knowing when you want to use the toilet is such a massive thing for your independence and mental health.”
“I made gains in upper body muscle strength and bulk which is difficult to achieve with a high-level SCI. As you start to see changes in yourself, it has a great, positive impact.”
“I wanted to be able to drink a hot drink from a normal cup without a straw, to be on my own and able to have a cuppa. And that’s what happened! I can now use a knife and fork and manage a plate. I can also use my computer which has made such a difference in day-to-day life as well as to my independence and confidence.”

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